MAXIMIZER PERSONAL FOR WINDOWS RELEASE NOTES ******************************************** These notes provide additional information that is not included in the help file. To print these notes, choose Print from the Notepad File menu. 1. PAGE FAULT ERRORS ON NOTEBOOK COMPUTERS ------------------------------------------ Some notebook computers load the PMEXT.SYS driver in CONFIG.SYS. This driver may conflict with the WBTR32.EXE module used by Maximizer Personal. If you experience page fault errors launching Maximizer Personal, remove the line that loads the PMEXT.SYS driver from CONFIG.SYS, re-boot your computer and try again. 2. ERRORS WITH SOME VIDEO DRIVERS --------------------------------- Some older video drivers may not be compatible with Maximizer Personal. If you experience errors launching Maximizer Personal, edit MAXWIN.INI in your Windows directory, and change the MemStretch option within the [TOOLBAR] section to 0 as shown below: [TOOLBAR] MemStretch=0 You should also consider upgrading your video driver by contacting your computer dealer or the manufacturer of your video card. 3. ERRORS USING WORDPERFECT 6.1 ------------------------------- If you encounter errors creating documents using Maximizer Personal's Template file (MAXWP.WPT) with WordPerfect for Windows Version 6.1, ensure that the program release date is 12/09/94 or later (see the About dialog in WordPerfect for the program release date). If necessary, contact Corel to obtain a later patch update. 4. PERFORMANCE PROBLEMS WITH WORD 6.0/7.0 ----------------------------------------- If you experience very slow response moving around in Maximizer Personal while a dialog box is active in Word using Maximizer Personal's Template file (TML_LITE.DOT), edit TML_LITE.INI in your Windows directory and add DDEAuto=No to the [Misc] section as shown below: [Misc] DDEAuto=No This will use Cold DDE links instead of Hot links, so when you move to a different Client in Maximizer Personal you'll have to mark your merge fields in Word and press F9 to update the links.